Thursday, March 29, 2007

Brother Yun from China

One of the big discussions on the Christian net at present is the book "The Heavenly Man" by Brother Yun.

As usual the "critics" are out in full force. Strange isn't it that when ever someone steps out from the institutional crowd they get attacked. It would appear that most are doubting all the wonderful miracles God performed in Yun's life. I don't want to get into all the negative stuff, but if your heart is open to the Holy Spirit then I recommend that you read the book. You will be blessed and like most will see that he only glorifies God and never himself. His accusers are false prophets.

Oh how the Father’s Heart must be saddened and the Holy Spirit grieved by this whole issue. The Cross on which our Saviour died is the greatest symbol of Love, Forgiveness and Sacrifice. Which of brother Yun’s accusers have demonstrated any of these?

One day we will all stand before the Lord and give an account of every idle word we have spoken. His accusers should fall to their knees and ask God’s forgiveness, beg His mercy and ask to be filled with His love. Brother Yun has already forgiven them and they should now publically, via the internet, apologise to him.

My heart was blessed and I was truly humbled by his story and yes, I believe every word because my Father, and not Yun, was glorified. With every miracle, with every agonising blow all I could say was, “My God is faithful.”

My wife and I have been deeply challenged by the example of Yun’s life. For a long time now we have been asking the Lord to bring us to that place of total surrender to His will. We desire nothing but Jesus and to follow Him.

Living in an affluent society does not make that easy as people frown upon you, claiming that you are not being accountable or responsible and, wait for it… respectable! That is the problem in the western church today. It is too respectable to be humble before the Lord. Pleasing man is more important than pleasing our heavenly Father.

Brother Yun, I bless you in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. I also bless your persecutors and pray for a revelation of the Father’s Heart for them.

Jesus is building His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Glory!

With much love,

Jack Viljoen.
The Church in the Father’s Heart.

1 comment:

Shane said...

I was really blessed by this book. His life/testimony have really impacted not only my life, but also those I passed this book onto. What really touched me about this book was Brother Yun's revelation of eternity. He is not living for the "now" or this world, but for heaven. I also appreciated his honesty of what this journey has cost him.